Two Months!!

Okay so excitingggg I hit my two months last week and it's completely insane because it's gone by so fast!! Especially my time here in Chile, it's literally felt like maybe a week because I'm having the best time ever!! Not because it's always easy or fun because its not lols but because this is the most important thing I could be doing with my life right now and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to serve and love God's children!! So anyways These past few weeks all we've been doing is dropping amigos and figuring out which of our amigos are actually interested in our church. BTW amigos are our friends that we are teaching about the church. Which might sound bad but it's actually good because when I first got here, we had about 70 amigos which is way to much. You cant progress with 70 people and not all of them were super interested in our church and only wanted to talk about Jesus for fun which isn't a bad thing but you guys get the point. S...