Missionary Work

I’ve decided to designate Sundays as days I will write letters to you…like it or not :) I guess you don’t have to read them, but I know it will be a blessing to me to write.

I enjoy your emails! It is obvious you are learning a lot and growing in testimony. It is awesome to see.

I wanted to share my own thoughts on missionary work. From an early age, I had to understand that my beliefs set me apart. I always tried to share with my friends because I wanted them to know what I knew. Most times, I felt like everyone thought we were weird, because they had a false understanding of our faith. But I continued to live my life by the commandments and share my beliefs when I could. I prayed for missionary opportunities. Outside of Utah, members are much better at this. I remember pleading with Heavenly Father to send me just one friend that would join the church so I wouldn’t feel so alone in my beliefs. He sent me many people. Looking back, I can see His hand in my missionary efforts and I am blessed for it. I had such a great desire to serve a mission. I was excited when my own patriarchal blessing mentioned how my mission would prepare me for the rest of my life. So when the time came to marry or serve, it was easy to know I was to marry your dad, but the one thing that was very hard for me was giving up serving a full time mission. In the end, the spirit confirmed to me that I was not to serve a mission. So I decided to "call myself" to my own mission and I promised to always share my testimony and spiritual life when I had the chance. Social media didn’t exist when I was young, but as an adult, I have used it solely to share my testimony and life as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I still trust that every post and every picture I share will carry the light of Christ into the hearts of my friends on social media. I know you guys tease me about posting everything, but I do it with purpose. You guys have been raised in the church and in a family with love and righteousness, but so many people I am friends with have not had that. They see our life with longing and have a greater desire to know the Savior because they are missing such things in their lives. I know this because people have told me. 

I have also learned that sharing the gospel doesn’t require me to have this amazing missionary power with me so I can convert others. But I have learned that sharing the gospel gives ME spiritual power. It helps me find the words to express and understand the mind and will of the Lord better. The Lord gives me the words to say and the thoughts to express and I accept that as my mission here on earth. Between that and raising children in the gospel, my mission has prepared me for the rest of my life. Teaching others (including you) how to truly pray, how to read the scriptures meaningfully, how to listen to God and not rely on what everyone around them believes…this has been my missionary work effort. You will get this privilege with the saints in Chile, but someday Riley, you will have the honor to teach Heavenly Father’s spirit children, your own sons and daughters, about Him. It will come naturally when you love the Lord. When you know and understand who He is, it is easy to teach your children about a loving Father in Heaven. That is a treasure that money cannot buy. Partnering with God in this effort has taught me that He is intimately involved in our lives. It is easy to see how much He loves my children. The same will happen for you as you share and teach those you meet in Chile. I am excited for you to have these experiences. You will learn so much about Him because of your service.

We love you and miss you. When I check someone’s location, your picture shows up at home and it catches me by surprise for a quick second when I see it! Your presence is still felt here and we pray for you as you are away. What an opportunity you have right now to have no other distractions pulling you away from your focus and purpose to do the Lord’s work. Tune out the world, it is loud and annoying. Obnoxious, really. Take advantage of every minute you have surrounded by the spirit and don’t allow anything to come in to your life that would be a distraction. Follow those rules with exactness and you will receive blessings of peace.

Have a great week!


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