Provo City Center Temple

The temple is important to me.

I can go feeling a little lost,
and come away with a clearer, bigger view.

During Covid, it was weird not being able to go when I wanted; instead, having to make an appt several weeks out. While waiting, I’d still go when I needed help, but the closest I could get was often the parking lot. Last July, when temples opened up again and my scheduled date arrived, of course I was too busy and had every reason to cancel, but something in me told me to go. I ended up having one of the sweetest experiences I’ve ever had in the temple that day. There were many tender mercies.

I was assured that my Heavenly Father knew Riley and exactly who she was. I knew He loved her even more than I did, and that she would soon come to the temple for herself and that through her covenant relationship with God, all would be well. That’s what I needed to know.

And here we are.

All is well.

Now she has a place to go to and come away with a bigger view of her own. As her bright mind is enlightened and receives more Light, she will come and see things I could never teach her.

I have learned that the greatest gifts my kids can receive are the things I cannot give them. They must receive them, not from me, but from Him.

I’m grateful I got to be there today🤍




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