
Showing posts from June, 2022

Mosiah 7:48

  Dios es nuestro amoroso Padre Celestial. El nos ama. El nos entiende. Dios tiene un plan y proposito para cada las personas. Dios nos envio a la tierra para aprender, crecer, y progressar. Dios nos da la expiacion de Jesucristo para regresar a Dios con no mas pecados. "Por consiguiente, amados hermanos míos, pedid al Padre con toda la energía de vuestros corazones, que seáis llenos de este amor que él ha otorgado a todos los que son discípulos verdaderos de su Hijo Jesucristo; para que lleguéis a ser hijos de Dios; para que cuando él aparezca, seamos semejantes a él, porque lo veremos tal como es; para que tengamos esta esperanza; para que seamos purificados así como él es puro. Amén."   God is our loving Heavenly Father. He loves us. He understands us. God has a plan and purpose for each person. God puts us on earth to learn, grow, and progress. God gives us the atonement of Jesus Christ to return to God with no more sins. Therefore, my beloved brethren, ask the Father wit

Hola amigos!!

I absolutely love love love the Mexico MTC. There is something so special about this place. The MTC is surrounded by noisy, busy, cluttered streets and buildings of Mexico City. But once you hit the walls of the MTC, everything goes quiet. God's presence is so undeniable here. The MTC is a mini heaven on earth! It's beautiful here and there are so many faculty members who work so hard to make it look good. I think that is one of the main reasons why the Spirit can be felt so strongly here. For those that know me, you know that I feel God's love for me through nature and I am definitely feeling that here.  Spanish is good but hard. I am at the point where I know so much that I am starting to lose what I already knew if that makes sense. My brain is being overloaded but I love it. I love my breaks don't get me wrong but I just want to keep learning and learning.  Food is surprisingly good! I have heard awful things about the Mexico MTC food so I was preparing myself for t
And the countdown begins to Christmas 2023! Luke left for FSY the day before Riley left, so they had to say their goodbyes a day earlier! Mixed emotions on our 3am drive to the SLC airport...mostly, I am so excited for our independent, brave girl, always wanting an adventure. Well, she's getting one! It was a little tender mercy running into Sister Denney at the ticketing line. I watched these two girls who were in nursery together, shared a baptism day, and have stayed friends their whole lives run and headed to Ecuador, the other Chile. My heart was full as I remembered that both these girls are direct descendants of John Taylor, the prophet. I remember at their baptism day when the bishop noted that surely their ancestors were aware of them on that day. And every day after. I have felt that Riley's entire life. I love my Riley girl and pray she will find everything her heart desires in this adventure. I'm so excited for her!!

Zoom=Worst Invention Ever

Hola mis amigos! Okay not actually. Zoom isn't the worst. It's actually really cool that people from all over the world can meet together and I'm super grateful for the technology we have. But oh my goodness it is the hardest thing sitting in front of a screen for 10+ hours a day! Thankfully, my two weeks of home MTC are over and I am lucky enough to go to the Mexico MTC for the next 4 weeks on Tuesday at 6 AM! You guys are probably like "come on Hermana Christensen, 6 AM really isn't that bad, you've been waking up at 6:30 every day." Heh. I've come to terms with the fact that I am not a morning person. I have to drag myself out of bed and I just end up sitting there for about 20 minutes until I build up enough motivation to do anything. BUT, I know that obedience brings blessings and I'm really trying to work on that. I just have to remind myself that God doesn't want his missionaries to get up at 6:30 to torture them, it's really for our

How do you see God's hand in your life?

"Pero el Señor sabe todas las cosas desde el principio; por tanto, él prepara una vía para realizar todas sus obras entre los hijos de los hombres; porque, he aquí, él tiene todo poder para el cumplimiento de todas sus palabras. Y así es. Amén." 1 Nefi 9:6 Yo sé que Dios ha preparado un plan perfecto para todos y cada uno de nosotros. Si nos volvemos a él con verdadera intención y deseo de hacer Su voluntad, sentiremos y veremos el poder que tiene en nuestras vidas. Cómo ves la mano de Dios en usted vida?   "But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen." 1 Nephi 9:6   I know that God has prepared a perfect plan for each and every one of us. If we turn to him with real intent and a desire to do his will, we will feel and see the power that He has in our lives.   

And So It Begins...

It’s easy to believe I wasn’t the mom she needed and definitely not the one she wanted; that I failed in all the ways. I’ve worked so hard to tell myself a better story, trusting in God. I believe He sends us to families on purpose. He doesn’t make mistakes! Things haven’t been easy for either of us. It’s taught me that everyone goes through things we know nothing about. We think we know, but we don’t have a clue. We are all doing the best we can, truly. Riley is getting set apart today as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That means she will spend the next 18 months in a foreign country, serving complete strangers. There are a few things I hope she knows before she begins. She has never been alone. Angels have ministered to her on both sides of the veil, whether she’s been aware or not. She’s been watched over, protected, cared for, and guided by the hand of God. Her family loves her. Her sister has adored her since the day we brought her home and has a